If you were wondering *why* Mister is having trouble getting up in the morning for school, here, then, is your explanation. +2 Dragon Blanket of Stealth.
And sometimes, like at the Galaxy Drive In, that hot dog is shocking DayGlo pink. Old school hot dogs for an old school theater. Don't let the appearance deter you. Them's good eats.
Long before I read the amazing American Gods by Neil Gaiman, I made the trek to "see beautiful Rock City". It *is* beautiful. It is also surreal and bizarre in portions. Much like love.
We are rather fond of gargoyles around these parts. One of our movers had another one of them convinced the gargoyles were kept to ward off computer viruses. I've been using this explanation for our small collection ever since. "We like them," was always met with extreme skepticism. "Computer virus prevention," is, apparently, far more reasonable.