We're moving! Ok, well, not very far, but there are still boxes to pack and furniture to be hauled. I'm hoping to stay on top of the comics, but, if there is a lapse in posts, it's because I'm busy trying to get my computer and teh interwebs set up.
Mike got all of his scores from the CPA exam in, and he passed every section! I'm always proud of him, but he deserves an especially big gold star for all of the hard work and determination that went into this achievement. In simple terms, he rocks!
Yeah, I know what you are thinking. "If this is supposed to be like a mall map, why aren't the exits clearly marked? Hehehe!" Buncha hooligans. *looks very stern and points* I'm looking at you, Mike Martinez!
You know, the height of a high dive is intimidating, but it's the swaying platform that really gets the adrenaline going. Oh, also, never ever do a belly flop from one of those suckers. Just trust me on this, ok?
Jedi PJs: 3 hours of sewing and $29 of fabric Warhammer Fantasy cupcake picks: 2 hours of searching, printing, cutting, and pasting Tie Fighter: $20 after Xmas clearance, hidden in closet for 6 months
Watching my husband fly a tie-fighter around while wearing said Jedi PJs on a cupcake high: Priceless